a better version of the default cd command invoked with bcd. It _would_ work but turns out the C++17 file system is self contained and I can't do anything to change the surrounding terminal. oops.
a THREE.js self assembling orange sphere.
new bootstrap & webpack website for me
A really difficult way to procedurally generate a sphere in opengl. I could have just used a mesh, but noooooooo.
(no description)
A little bit of code purely to translate text or a file through of different languages and then back. It has no practical use but can mess up text. Thanks to SuHun Han for his fantastic python google translate ajax api wrapper.
I had to do it eventually
testing graphics with glutin and rust (not complete)
Simple Mandelbrot code for rust. Outputs to a PNG
a little crawler-esque game that I made when I had some free time